

Church of Liberty 12 Declarations of Faith

1. I believe that God manifests in all beings, and there is no higher authority than God, so all humans are sovereign over themselves.

2. I believe that God is the creative force that caused all things and all beings to exist in all of space and time.

3. I believe that all humans have the right to define the creative force the Unified Faiths refer to as God for themselves. I respect that freedom exists for all human beings.

4. I believe that it is wrong to harm others in any way, other than to defend yourself or to defend others who are being aggressed upon. Further, I believe that defense of self and others should be limited to sufficient force to halt aggression.

5. I believe that it is immoral to take the rightful property of others though force or deception of any kind. That all humans have a right to resist any attempt to deprive them of their rightful property with out their consent.

6. I believe that all humans have sovereign rights to their body, what is done to their body and what goes or does not go into it. I believe this right is absolute.

7. I believe that all humans have an absolute right to associate or to not associate with any other humans of their choosing.

8. I believe all humans have an absolute right to conduct commerce or refuse commerce with any other humans of their choosing.

9. I believe all humans have an absolute right to free speech other than to call for or intentionally create aggression upon or harm to others.

10. I believe all humans have an absolute right to privacy in their own lives and in their voluntary interactions with others.

11. As a member of The Church of Unified Faiths I pledge on my sacred honor to make every reasonable effort to comply with every article of the declarations of faith at all times.

12. I declare that as a member of the church I accept that all members are founders and equal in the church. That all members are ministers in the church. That I will treat all members as brothers and sisters at all times and do so in accordance within the declarations of faith.