Getting Minister Credentials Officially

Getting Minister Credentials Officially

Part of the foundation of The Church of United Faiths stated in our declarations is that we believe that all members are ministers to all other members and to anyone that seeks their guidance as such.   We believe this, and that is enough but may be not for the state.  As the TCUF has not filed any paper work, is not registered with any government agency and never shall do so, we recommend members take a few moments and get a free official ordination from the Universal Life Church or someone like them.

I personally recommend ULC due to the fact that they have been challenged in court, several times, and won, every time.    I myself have conducted weddings in the State of Texas under these credentials and they were honored.

Consider it another layer and again it is free to do and takes only a few moments.  This is something we plan to do on many levels.  Rather than develop programs or technology we should use what already exits and is being developed.  In time perhaps we will have our own official crypto wallet but it is more likely that someone will develop one really dedicated to privacy and private communications and we will simply endorse it.

Many have talked about developing a market place, we may do that here but it is more likely that we will point members to existing friendly market places like the emerging social media platform Flote.app will soon introduce.  Keep this tactic in mind, share technologies, opportunities, etc. with each other and remember, what we are doing here matters.  It matters because what we really stand for is holding ourselves individually to a high standard in how we treat others.

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